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JSON Visualizer

JSON Visualizer

A visualizer for JSON data. Help user to know which data belongs to which object. Able to copy inner objects and arrays, change value of both key and value, and JSON path.

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Kindle Parser

Kindle Parser

A parser for Kindle's HTML export file. Clean up string and double spaces around special character. Compose the export as a markdown so it could be kept in note taking app such as Notion and Obsidian

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Generalized Poker

Generalized Poker

Create a room and invite other people to play. Useful for any games that require all participant to offer an opinion without knowing other opinion and all opinion should exposed to all participant in same time, such as planning poker, estimation, etc.

Contact Manager

Contact Manager

Self managed contact manager, with ability to import and export contact in vCard, CSV, and JSON format. Able to search, alter, and copy to help navigate. All contained in front there are no backend.

Interest Visualization

Interest Visualization

Visualize interest of payment such as house mortgage, car, and other stuff that usually paid in installment. Help user to know how much interest they paid and how much principal they paid.